You heard me right! Eli is riding his road bike 600+ miles from Kansas City to Colorado to the divine woman he loves more than his words can describe. A health guru, 600+ miles is almost a breeze to him. A blogger, Bethany shared some really great things with me about how they met, fell in love, shared their first kiss and are now planning their marriage together. It’s been so fascinating getting to know these two.
Their story is so worth reading, and she is such a good writer, I wanted you to hear it from the sweet bride, Bethany herself:
How they met | We first met at a basketball game our Sophomore year. He gave me (Bethany) a high five, I gave him a “good luck”…That was the beginning of it all.
First kiss | Our first kiss was on a breezy, star-filled summer night outside of his families log home on 15+ acres located in Independence, Missouri. He asked if he could have my first kiss and I was sure that he was the one it was saved for. I got in my car and drove away (only 2 weeks after I turned 16) & I sang “I just kissed Eli” for thirty minutes before I realized I had gone the opposite way of my house. I called him from Harrisonville and he directed me home. I don’t think I slept at all that night and my cheeks hurt from happiness.
The proposal | He proposed on one knee on his gorgeous driveway at his home. The stars were bright, the moon was full, and our hearts were sure that this (our relationship) is how we’re supposed to ‘do life’ – together.
Their wedding | We are getting married on his families land & Eli is designing the ceremony site. It only seems natural to get married there because it’s where we’ve grown up together – It’s home. We hope to one day build a home on or near the ceremony cite, which makes it even more sentimental- It reflects our past, present, and future.
Meet Bethany | I am currently a photographer, but am eager to begin my wedding coordination business when I move back to Missouri.
Meet Eli | Eli is the worlds best personal fat-loss trainer at Complete Strength Development. It’s a perfect fit. He lives and breathes living life to the fullest. In fact, he’s riding (on his road bike) to see me in 21 days from Kansas City to Colorado, which will be his second 600+ mile ride. He is my hero.
The couple | We love to exercise, build, imagine, watch, write, think, & talk together,…We basically love doing life together.
Favorite memory together | To determine one memory as “my favorite” would be an absolutely impossible task. It’s all the little things. Shoveling snow, holidays, movies, painting, working, surprises, smiles, walks, laughs, struggles, vacations, planning, deciding, listening, watching, waiting, praying, loving, helping, serving… they all amount to compose our past & shape our future. We are immensely blessed.
Seriously! Could you BE any more perfect and adorable for each other, Bethany & Eli?! (This is not a question) I’m already voting this one of the best portrait sessions I’ve done this year. I am so in love with their story and who they are as individuals and who they are together, that it makes sessions & moments like these even more fun and powerful all at the same time.
To share in the rest of their images, and to purchase any prints you love, visit here.
To read more about Bethany on her blog, visit here.
I am so overwhelmed. My sister, mom and I are teary-eyed viewing the love captured in this session!!! Amazing!!
Beautiful. LOVE these photos. They really capture their love, you can tell it’s there forever.
Awesome. 🙂 Beautiful pics of a beautiful couple with a beautiful love story! <3
AWESOME! Breathtaking!
Awesome!!!! Such beautiful pictures of a beautiful couple!
Awesome!!! 🙂 Seeing the pics and reading your story make me so much more happy for you guys. Love you!
AWESOME!!! You guys are a couple that kali and I admire and even look up to. These photographs capture why:)
Awesome!!! Even more so than a opossum.
Some of these are soooo darn cute! I’m soooo happy for you Bethany!! (and Eli!)
Yeah…. AWESOME! <3 You guys just BElong together! 😀 Love the pics and wish you the best!
AWESOME!! Love the pics!! Beautiful 🙂
Awesome….these are just lovely!! What a nice looking couple to photograph!!
Those really are some awesome pictures. Way Cool!!!
OH MY GOODNESS these pictures are AMAZING! Soo happy for you both!
Just Beautiful!! I have so many faves.
Awesome! So neat to see how you guys have grown together as a couple!
Awesome and so lovely! Blessings on your new life together.
hahaha…. everyone is saying “awesome”…. you are so funny Bethany. 🙂 They can leave any sweet words they’d like.. no need to say the word “Awesome” unless they are diggin that at the moment {big grin}
Awesome!! These are amazing pics….I wouldn’t be able to pick a favorite!! You two are so beautiful inside and out. Love you both!!
Awesome! Beautiful!!!
THAT IS SIMPLY AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! That just makes me SO EXCITED for the person the Lord has made for me! Love is the best thing this world has and it spreads like wildfire especially with two people so in love and obviously in an anointed relationship they are going to bless SO MANY PEOPLE through the Lord in their love!!! Good luck you two & God Bless!!! ♥
AWESOME!! These are so beautiful!
You did such an amazing job on these pics! They are awesome! Love all of em 🙂
beautiful!! great job!
these are wonderful 🙂 so excited for you two!
What a precious story of him riding his bike so far to see her and what a beautiful couple. The love radiates from these pictures – – I can feel it in each one. What a beautiful session with a beautiful couple.
[…] Beloved session | […]
Seriously – TOO cute….they almost really look alike. YOu know you hear after many years of marriage you grow to look like each other. They almost look alike NOW. Awesome story, awesome couple……..thank you for sharing this beautiful intimate story and beautiful pictures that capture it so well.