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Jana Marie is located in Kansas City, Missouri and happily serves clients all over the world.

Tues - Fri 9:30 0am - 3:00 pm


At this time we are doing Facetime or Google Meet meetings.

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My house is a jungle most of the year. Currently we've added over 30 plants and growing to our home & family.
#theyaretakingover #theykeepmultiplying

MY plant babies

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they have MY

There just are not many things in this world that are greater than my fur baby Floyd. He is the one I always say is the best listener in my house and loves me more than anything. He's always by my side and is by far my best little "big" friend.

Our Golden Doodle Floyd

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they have our

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Our six year old has been counting and pointing out all the Apple "things" in our house. Since he noticed their logo it's now a game to see what all he can find it on. I'm not a big shopper or brand obsessor but if there's one brand I'll be a die hard loyal to, it's Apple!

All things Apple

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they have our

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I became a foster parent #instaparents #instantparents November 2018 when I started fostering a new baby. We picked him up straight from the hospital. The most glorious feeling.. "It's a boy!" I had no idea. My own version of a pregnancy announcement and how my family is being formed. I've now adopted 2 of my bundles of joys since 2020.

My little family

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they have our

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There is no greater reward than knowing the creator of the universe intimately. We are quite obsessed with traveling and are immensely mesmerized by all of His creation from wondering how long a small rock along a trail has been on Earth, to the intensely overwhelming feelings the Grand Canyon had on us as we tearfully stood in awe. Traveling is by far one of the greatest things in my life!

gods majesty

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Last year I was known as the "rainbow mom" at our kiddos pre-school. In high school, announcers for our lives-treamed volleyball games would ask "What color is Jana's hair this game?" (This still makes me laugh). Since I am not brave enough to get tattoos, my creative spirit comes out with hair color. Dying my hair well over 45+ times, I've had every color but blue.

mermaid hair

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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED   |  ©Jana Marie Photography LLC 2009-2024