This is something you post in the first few weeks of baby being born. Maybe even before baby is born. Definitely with your newborn photos. But here I am, two years later and I’m finally sharing my personal, wild ones baby room.
But nothing I do is ever “normal.”
Late 2019, when my littlest guy arrived, I tried to be careful about posting too many photos, info, our space etc since I was only a foster parent at the time. But lets be real, I’ve known in my heart since the second I got that phone call that these boys were my babies. There are just somethings you know in your being. That’s God speaking to you friends.
I held on to that truth, “protected my heart” and continued to say in court that I was there with goals that they would be reunification. And while that’s always the hope that bio families stay together and can grow together, I also firmly believe you don’t have to be the same DNA to be family. So I knew they were theirs, and they were mine too. Just as much as they helped created them, I will help raise them and love them beyond words. More importantly, they are God’s little creations, his little people and it is my duty, our duty to care for those around us.
I’m all yours little men. Mommy for life! Hugs, kisses, fort building nights, camping in the house, the tears, the movie nights, the “cuddles”, the tantrums, therapies, the skinned knees, messy clean ups, potty training, the whole nine yards. We are yours!
There aren’t words eloquent enough for me to use to truly try and explain my insane love for this little man. He’s captivated my whole soul! His bedroom is my favorite room in the house. For many reasons.
I remodeled it before I knew who you were, how old you were, what you’d look like, what gender you were. People poured their prayers over this room, this house, this family, YOU! I wrote scriptures on your walls from friends and family near and far. I remember laying on the floor toward the end of the construction and just cried. The sun was beaming in. There was so much hope and joy in that moment knowing that God was doing something miraculous that we couldn’t even fathom.
I’m here for it!
Lucky to have front row seats to your sometimes feeling broken, yet beautiful and unique stories.
Love you both!
Thank you to our sweet friend Beau for helping tear out this mess. And all the helpful hands who poured into this project and these kiddos along the way.
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