I am so grateful to have met the Prengers. A few months back, we had a “Luff elementary girls” reunion, of all our childhood best friends. The girls I grew up with, built my faith and my life with, the girls who I conquered many Championship titles in elementary school and Jr high basketball with. And Alena was one of them. One of my BFF’s since I was 5 years old. And there’s something so fun about going away to college, building new friendships but still coming home to be able to rock the old ones. And once we had our Luff girls reunion, I have seen Alena and her (what seems new to me) husband Joe, so many times at Halloween parties, get togethers and TONS of family events. Not only have I been so happy to get to see Alena and her gorgeous new family, but I’ve had the opportunity to take portraits for the Prenger family THREE times in the last three months. I absolutely LOVE and adore the Prengers and could not be happier for Alena to have married into such a wonderful, loving and adventurous involved family.
More importantly, after many beautiful evenings with this happy and healthy family, I received news last week that Joe’s dad was in the hospital and had to have (if I understand it right) knee surgery from previous problems. It’s never a fun or light thing to go through so if anyone who keeps up with my blogging could extend some love to this family, it would be greatly appreciated. Any comments left below to them I know would mean the world.
To the charming man and woman who started this whole family, Kevin and Jeanette. (Kevin -being the one who had the surgery last week.) Hopefully these images will cheer you up! And thank you again for being so supportive of my business and allowing me to come into such personal moments with your family.
I’ve fallen for all your little ones in this family. All so stinking huggable! Cheers!
Oh, my gosh these are incredibly ADORABLE. What BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!! Beatiful day – beautiful people – beautiful pictures…………..win/win/win!!!
Thanks you, Jana!!! These are awesome!!!
Love these Jana! Thanks again.