Tickle war, Beloved family sessions, Jana Marie Photography, Lake Weatherby

The Prengers at Weatherby Lake


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June 15, 2012

The Prengers at Weatherby Lake






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World travelin’, sustainability guru, humanitarian, foster and adoptive mommin’, photographer, photobooth-er, educator, multiple hat wearing entrepreneur. This girl’s love language is hugs and her tank is filled by serving others. You can find her under a palm tree, on a mountain, renovating a vintage trailer/house or running through the sprinklers with her husband, two boys and three fur babies.

What a blessing! Alena and I have known each other since we were 5 years old and grew up together. I am so thrilled to share their really, stinking, adorable family portraits with you. I almost cried editing these images just knowing how blessed we all are, and how lucky Alena was to find Joe… and to have these chubby cheeker-big blue eyed little boys just melts my heart. Thank you so much to the Prenger family for letting us adventure around these boy’s stomping grounds as we fed the fishies, pretended to drive the boat {smiles}, and enjoyed the lovely summer sunsets by Lake Weatherby.

Love you Alena. So proud of the family you and Joe have started..and am so honored you wanted me to share in this with you.


Weatherby Lake Family portraits, Kansas City photography, Jana Marie Photography, Children, sunset, lakesBrothers, children portraits, Jana Marie Photos, Parkville Missouri photographers, Beloved, tickle wars, docks, nature photography, Alena & JoeThe Prengers family, Boat rides, siblings, Kansas City Family photography, Jana Marler, Weatherby LakeCouples, love, family portraits, KC photographers, Jana Marie Photography, Lake Weatherby, Prengers

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  1. Alena says:

    I love, love, love, the pictures. Thank you Jana. We had such a great time.

  2. Mary Lynn says:

    Incredible photos. Love the emotions they evoked. I’m sitting at the airport viewing these. I’m swinging between laughing out loud all the way to fighting back tears because of the sweetness & love that these photos captured.

  3. Jeanette Prenger says:

    What a gorgeous family! They are so much fun! And, they are beautiful people – inside and out.

  4. Eric Carson says:

    WOW….Impressive pictures! It helps when you start with GREAT subjects. Jeanette thanks for sharing your beautiful family; you have every reason to beam with pride. Jana did a fabulous job. I only wish she was in Hawaii to shoot my kids 🙂
    Aloha, Eric

  5. Niki says:

    Absolutely magical! Beautiful family, beautiful photos that make beautiful moments standstill in time. Thank you for sharing! God Bless

  6. Ronda and Bill says:

    What a beautiful family. These photos are simply gorgeous!

  7. shannon says:

    Beautiful pictures!

  8. Mitzi & Steve says:

    Gorgeous family and kids! Wonderful photos that will help you remember a very special time. Thanks so much for sharing.

  9. Joyce Christanio says:

    Fabulous pictures! The grandsons are too adorable!

  10. Carol H says:

    Love those lovely Prengers!

  11. Ana says:

    Jeanette, thank you for sharing! Joe and Alena you have an absolutely gorgeous family!! Those boys are so precious with personalities that jump right out of the photos. Great job to the photographer.

  12. […] and her husband Joe’s family portraits about 4 times in a year and just to look back at their previous session last fall or their extended family session, just shows how much change happens so […]

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