How photographers spend their time, a photographers work day, Jana Marie Photography, graphs, interesting graphs

How a full time photographer really spends their time.


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January 12, 2012

How a full time photographer really spends their time.






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World travelin’, sustainability guru, humanitarian, foster and adoptive mommin’, photographer, photobooth-er, educator, multiple hat wearing entrepreneur. This girl’s love language is hugs and her tank is filled by serving others. You can find her under a palm tree, on a mountain, renovating a vintage trailer/house or running through the sprinklers with her husband, two boys and three fur babies.

We sleep in until 11am. Hang out with our friends all day. Never change from our pj’s or brush our teeth, play video games all day, stuff our faces with popcorn, maybe take a nap and then wake up in time to go “take some pictures” for about an hour, right?

Our reputation as photographers is a pretty not so realistic thing. My dad continues to “tease” me every day that “you don’t work.”

And here’s how I respond to his quarkiness:

“I go to bed later than you, get less sleep, work longer hours, 6 days a week in stead of 5, work about 8-12 hour week days and then stay on my feet for about 8-12 hours a day on Saturday exhausting myself. I’m a small business owner, a CEO and a COO (if that’s possible. I say it is), I am an accountant, an investor, a printer, a consultant, a production manager and maintainer, an editor, a book keeper, a sales person, a professional photographer, I’m in business marketing, vendor relationship, I’m a graphic designer, a web designer, a blogger and the list goes on.”    Now of course, we are always teasing. And arguing a work ethic my dad is pretty slim to non, because I’ve never met a man who works harder and longer than this head honcho!

But still the perception of what a photographer “really does” is mis-understood by all the 9-5ers.

I found this pretty interesting. Come get a laugh with me.How photographers spend their time, a photographers work day, Jana Marie Photography, graphs, interesting graphs

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