Kansas City Lifestyle | Danielle


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March 21, 2011

Kansas City Lifestyle | Danielle






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World travelin’, sustainability guru, humanitarian, foster and adoptive mommin’, photographer, photobooth-er, educator, multiple hat wearing entrepreneur. This girl’s love language is hugs and her tank is filled by serving others. You can find her under a palm tree, on a mountain, renovating a vintage trailer/house or running through the sprinklers with her husband, two boys and three fur babies.

Another beautiful senior who knows how to work her stuff.

PS. Did I mention how excited we were for our first 75 degree day of 2011? undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefined

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  1. Hannah says:

    Beautiful!!! :))

  2. Becky Stewart says:

    Danielle, your pictures are all so beautiful!!! YOU are so beautiful!!!!

  3. Harvey Worlledge says:

    I love you danielle πŸ™‚ – harvey

  4. Amber says:

    These are so beautiful!!!

  5. Hannah Sue says:

    WOW! These pics really capture Danielle well. These pics are of the truely beautiful and strong woman I have known for so many years. Great Job!


  6. Debbie Axe says:

    Danielle, This are absolutely gorgeous, just like you. What a great job of using some beautiful surroundings and you look like you really had fun. Enjoyed looking at these very much!

  7. alex salmons says:

    i love your pictures! okay so the ones i love the most are the ones with the dress and in the field with the chair!! πŸ™‚ amazing!!!

  8. Marsha says:

    She’s gorgous! Jana Marie was Awesome!!! Made the day so fun!!!

  9. Catherine says:

    These are absolutely STUNNING!

  10. Laurie Kissling says:

    She is just beautiful…so fresh and happy.

  11. Preeti Mathew says:

    Danielle, you are beautiful and so are your pictures!
    Great work Jana Marie!

  12. Kim Meyers says:

    Beautiful pictures!

  13. Teresa Shoaf says:

    Absolutely gorgeous pictures,Danielle. It would be hard to pick a favorite!

  14. Rose says:

    You are a beautiful young lady. Awesome picutes.Congrats.

  15. Shannon Logan says:

    These pictures are amazing!!! Danielle is so beautiful!

  16. jenny crawford says:

    Danielle-you are so lovely! Beautiful pictures!

  17. Heather says:

    Very pretty!

  18. Linda C. says:

    Beautiful girl of course,but also a very warm and relaxed style of photos. Love them.

  19. Connie Cooper says:

    Beautiful pictures of a beautiful girl!

  20. Peggy Foutz says:

    Beautiful! Definitely has her Mom’s smile! Thanks for sharing!

  21. jordan says:

    my sister is sooooooo beautiful!

  22. leslie says:

    You have a beautiful daughter Marsha! I loved these pics.

  23. Keith says:

    Extremely nice pics, very well done.

  24. Ann says:

    Beautiful pictures
    Beautiful Girl

  25. danielle says:

    i had a great time with jana she did a wonderful job. and thank you all!!!

  26. Alice says:

    Beautiful young lady. Marsha you have a beautiful daughter.

  27. Debra says:

    Wow – beautiful pictures!

  28. Andrea Thompson says:

    Danielle, you are so beautiful!!!

  29. Mandy McKie says:

    Beautiful pictures!

  30. Lindsey Johnson says:

    These photos are BEAUTIFUL!!!
    Danielle is gorgeous!!!
    I love the colorful settings!!!!
    These photos captured every detail of Danielle! πŸ™‚

  31. Deena says:

    You have a beautiful daughter! You should be very proud.

  32. Andrea says:

    Love these!

  33. Lesli says:

    Great pictures!!! Your daughter is beautiful Marsha!!!

  34. Dawn says:

    Absolutely beautiful

  35. Kim Engstrom says:

    I love all of the different poses and her outfits are so cute! I just love senior pictures…

  36. Carly says:

    So beautiful!!

  37. Angie says:

    Wowza! How do you choose which ones you want? All fantastic!

  38. karen moddrell says:

    How fun! Senior pics aren’t what they used to be!!

  39. Linda Chase says:

    Really nice photos!! Of course it’s not hard to get good photos when you start with a beautiful subject!!!!

  40. Julie says:

    LOVE these! What a great shoot! Your daughter is gorgeous!

  41. Denise says:

    Great job Jana Marie at capturing many “Danielle” looks!

    Danielle – These are truly beautiful! My favs are #8 and #19 but I like many of them! πŸ™‚

  42. Pam says:

    So jealous of the fun Senior pictures they do these days. Back in my day it was in a studio with your standard head tilt. These are some great shots.


  43. Valerie says:

    Beautiful pictures of a Beautiful girl! πŸ™‚

  44. Norma says:

    Danielle,Your pictures are very, very nice. I would have a hard picking out what I wanted.


  45. Norma says:

    Beautiful pictures!!! I would have a hard time picking one out. Norma

  46. Mercedes Mendoza says:

    You are so beautiful! Wow,I love those amazing pictures! Congratulations!

  47. Mindy Beyer says:

    I don’t know how you will choose, Marsha, which pics to get. Too many great ones to choose from…!

  48. mindy says:

    Amazing pictures!!!!! You are so pretty! Hope you have the best year!

  49. Cristi says:

    Beautiful, amazing,OH so grown up!

  50. Michelle says:

    Danielle is Beautiful!!! The photographer did such an amazing job as well bringing out Danielle’s beautiful eyes :)!!!

  51. Julie B. says:

    Love the hair,
    Love the dress,
    Love the jewelry,
    Love the boots!

  52. Aunt Paula says:

    Yes, my niece is beautiful!! (as are all of my nieces)
    I guess it is all the rage to take pictures in the railroad bottoms. I’m glad I don’t have to pick the actual pictures since they are all good! (how could they not be?)

  53. Serena Stertzbach says:

    Absolutely stunning….. Very tastful and beautiful!

  54. Leah L says:

    GREAT photos!! Love the photographer! πŸ™‚

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