Baby Presley.. Born on August 20, 7 weeks early, weighing at at 3lbs 14ozs, this little powerhouse gave us a run for her money. Presley it is. Very small but very healthy.
It was just about 4 days before she was born, we were taking belly pictures. She must have loved her first photo shoot so much she wanted to get here quicker for another. This little fart, just a few weeks old was already discovering her body length, her fingers and toes and loving sprawling out. We were hoping the fetal position was still in effect.. but it’s ok.. we had some good laughs, snapped some shots in between feedings and made Cindy’s house a mess.
Hope you enjoy the pictures. Update: Presley is now about 5 lbs. What a beautiful little girl.
(See Laffoon belly pics for their :before & after baby: session)
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aww.. thats my neice! She is so darn beautiful. Great pics!
Jana-I love them. I know the rest will be awesome! I can't wait….You rock!
Thanks Jana you are the best!!! now I get to add to my order! which I will send you e mail
Oh my goodness they are sooooo cute, she is beautiful! That'a a pretty awesome basket too, she must have a really awesome aunt! lol jk, great job on the pics!
Thank goodness we had that basket! We were limited on stuff to use and it was PERFECT! Thanks Karlee!
Oh the basket was PERFECT! Just what we were wanting to this shoot… she MUST have a good aunt! ::smiles::
When you are ready 🙂