Julep, located in Westport off the plaza of Kansas City… its one of Melanie & Bryan’s go-to spots to spend time together and with friends in their spare time. What a fun environment from the appropriate colors that somehow fit Melanie & Bryan’s clothing perfectly, to their reflective chandeliers hanging above the bar, to the nice little private cut out leather seating tucked back in the corner. And the best thing yet, its walking distance to all your favorite restaurants and stores in the Westport area. You must check this place out.
On top of that, look how gorgeous this couple is. Celebrating being engaged and excited for the Royals being in the WORLD SERIES this week, and at HOME, can you believe it?! Maybe it was me that was more excited, but taking a shot in front of the fountains on the plaza with the blue water seemed as if they were excited to be a part of their city and the happenings lately. Loved this session!
Congratulations to you both. I loved being up close and personal with you, again being reminded of how fun all my 2015 couples are! See the rest of their images on their gallery.
Very proud of our city right now with the Royals (soon to be) taking the crown in the #worldseries. These plaza fountain shots ended up begin some of my favorites.
#beroyal #takethecrown #winformelanieandbryan #plazafountains #kansascityroyals #worldseries
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