Beloved photography, Kansas City wedding photographer

First dates & engagements at the Nelson


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November 26, 2012

First dates & engagements at the Nelson






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World travelin’, sustainability guru, humanitarian, foster and adoptive mommin’, photographer, photobooth-er, educator, multiple hat wearing entrepreneur. This girl’s love language is hugs and her tank is filled by serving others. You can find her under a palm tree, on a mountain, renovating a vintage trailer/house or running through the sprinklers with her husband, two boys and three fur babies.

My big sister  Emily (who I’ve known since I was 5 years old…my best friends older sister) and Aaron are engaged! Their Beloved session we chose to do at the Nelson Art Museum in Kansas City with grandmas quilt, the place where they picnic-ed for their first date. And now they’re engaged to be married. Congratulations to you both. Your marriage will be so fun and full of silly moments. I love the corkiness of Aaron and the quick whit of Emily. Personalities that compliment each other last. And I’m so excited to see Emily so happy. Thanks for giving that to her Aaron.

If you’d like to see the rest of their images, click here.

Nelson Art Museum, Kansas City couple photography, Jana Marie Photos, Outdoor portraits, picnicAllinder, Family pictures, Jana Marie Photography, Art museums, modern images, puppiesFall leaves, Beloved photography, Jana Marler, Emily & Aaron, love, hugsCouples, fun, Beloved invites, Nelson Atkins Museum Kansas City, weddings

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  1. Cindy says:

    Oh, my gosh, these are SO fun and beautiful………both look so happy….what a fun couple and fantastic pictures!! Looks like it was a wonderful day!!

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