Just another fabulous thing to add to your wedding day photo needs.. we now offer VIDEOGRAPHY. And incredibly talented videographer straight from Hawleywood. ::insert applause::
All day wedding videography has now been added to package 5. Check it out at my website under Wedding Info-Wedding Investment and ask away if you have questions. You can also view these on my website under VIDEOS.
We would love to help personalize your budget needs. You are seriously getting one heck of a deal with a double dose of quality and goods like this. Read more about our new videographer under the ABOUT section of my website.
So go grab a tissue and some friends who are helping you find a photographer/videographer for your wedding, because your faucets are about to be turned to the on position. I hope this has helped spark your interest.
I absolutely love these videos. To see more and to see these videos in higher quality, click on the link above in orange.
I think I've watched this video a hundred times. Not lying. When it hits 50 seconds, something about it make me get goose-bumps. I love that part. ::sob::