Andy, Amber & Ellie and one of the 25,000 names from the baby book


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March 23, 2010

Andy, Amber & Ellie and one of the 25,000 names from the baby book






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World travelin’, sustainability guru, humanitarian, foster and adoptive mommin’, photographer, photobooth-er, educator, multiple hat wearing entrepreneur. This girl’s love language is hugs and her tank is filled by serving others. You can find her under a palm tree, on a mountain, renovating a vintage trailer/house or running through the sprinklers with her husband, two boys and three fur babies.

Headed back to my good ole’ alma mater for the most perfect little American families photo shoot. This is Ellie. She is really animated.. and she is going to be a big sister soon. This is also Andy and Amber. Two of the sweetest employees at Graceland who are soaking up their last year in hopes of moving to warmer places. Haven’t I posted enough about warm weather?

I think I am ready for spring. And I think these three are ready for a the new arrival.

This was Ellie’s moja for the photo shoot.
She read all kinds of jibberish names from the book. I loved it.

“Ellie.. look at the big eye ball in the camera. Can you see it?”
(Worked like a charm. She loved the eye ball)

Who doesn’t love a family pillow fight?

One of the most beautiful pregnant mommies ever!

Again.. glowing!

Daddies girl and mommies silly faces.

This couch series was priceless. This one won as top pic.

Now get to leavin those oh so sweet comments below.
What do YOU think Andy & Amber should name their new baby girl? I don’t think their book of 25,000 names has helped them much.
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